Aqua Lass – Twin Engine Installation | THT Sales
SIZE 40ft Aluminium
OLD ENGINES 2x Fiat Iveco 8361 SRM 40 (400Hp @ 2400rpm)
NEW ENGINES 2x FPT NEF 450 (450Hp @ 3000rpm)
GEARBOX 2x Twin Disc (Ratio 2 : 1)
DRIVE Twin Shaft
TOP SPEED 27 Knots


The FPT NEF Marine Engine is also exceptional for commercial applications. This long running client of THT required two reliable engines for commercial application. Trust in FPT’s Reputation left him with an easy choice to go with the FPT NEF 450 Marine Engines (450Hp @ 3000rpm). The vessel has obtained an excellent range of operation in both power and fuel economy these engines have proven to be reliable in all situations.
Overall a very successful twin engine installation.